Freedom from Autoimmune Disease!
This program is for people seeking freedom from autoimmune disease and other chronic health conditions. It is also very effective for people who are seeking an in-depth tailored preventative wellness approach.
Hester will facilitate your transformation with integrative medicine health coaching, Ayurveda, energy medicine, emotional freedom and trauma release targeted to your individual conditions and health goals.
In this program you will learn to balance your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body to restore your energy. This program enables you to transform your life by implementing nourishing body, mind, heart and spiritual wellness skills, practices and strategies.

This program is designed to support you through a six to twelve month journey to freedom through health creation.
What's included:
• 12 individualized coaching sessions, unlimited text and email access
• Integrative Medicine lab testing recommendations and analysis
• Ayurvedic education and application to your wellness plan
• Meditation and mindfulness education and practice for conscious wellness
• Root-cause analysis
• Facilitated transformational trauma release (as needed)
• Deeper energy medicine education and practice
• Tailored instruction to inform and support your journey
• Coaching that enables you to apply and sustain lifestyle changes
• Individualized energy renewal wellness plan
• BONUS #1: $120 gift certificate for use toward supplements
• BONUS #2: Free eBook: choose either “Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle” or equivalent if not available
*Supplements and integrative lab testing billed as additional cost
*Degree of health improvement will vary depending on individual health history and commitment to implementing wellness plan recommendations.
Program Investment $1,440 (Valued at $2,888.00)